Pillar: Collaboration

Natures Menu

This large-scale industrial project saw Jackson collaborate on the construction of a modern 15,000m² building for high-quality pet food manufacturer Natures Menu.

Orwell Bridge Bearing Replacement

Jackson oversaw the Orwell Bridge Bearing Replacement Programme on this stunning superstructure – a vital link in Suffolk’s road network carrying more than 60,000 vehicles each day.

Ipswich Wet Dock Flood Gates

This project was part of the Environment Agency’s ongoing programme to upgrade Ipswich’s flood defences and one of a number of schemes overseen by Jackson on the town’s waterfront.

Suffolk Park

The use of local subcontractors and carbon cutting measures were features of this infrastructure projectfor Suffolk Park – a new 116-acre business park located on the A14 corridor at Bury St Edmunds.

Warrior Square Gardens

Through the careful co-ordination of multiple subcontractors, Jackson oversaw the stunning regeneration of Southend’s Warrior Square Gardens – widely-regarded as a cornerstone of the town’s revival. 

Ashford Ring Road

This exciting, award-winning urbanisation project saw Jackson charged with rejuvenating the town centre ring road in Ashford, Kent.

Boulby Potash Mine

Jackson’s engineering acumen came to the fore on this unusual project to remove, demolish and replace a 54 metre-high reinforced concrete tower at Boulby Potash Mine in North Yorkshire. The mine supplies over 60% of the UK’s potash and extends almost 6km out under the North Sea.

Catholic Bridge

Jackson worked collaboratively with Essex County Council and Ringway Jacobs to complete the £1.5m underpass refurbishment project of Catholic Bridge at Witham in Essex.

Rye Harbour Western Training Wall

Jackson won the Environment Agency’s Efficiency Award for its work on this £9m scheme to re-build the harbour wall in Rye where through early engagement with the supply chain the team saved £970k on the project.

Westmill Solar Farm

The Jackson team worked to a tight deadline to install this 22,000 panel solar energy farm near Swindon and bring the farm online before the closing date of the Government’s existing Feed-in-Tariff.