Bromford Flood

Alleviation Scheme

  • Client
    Environment Agency / Birmingham City Council
  • Value
  • Duration
    18 months
Jackson worked closely with its supply chain partners to develop a ground-breaking asphalt mix that could significantly reduce the carbon footprint of surfacing works in the future.
The new low-carbon foamed asphalt path, made from recycled aggregates and processed waste products, brought CO2 savings of up to 90% compared with using a traditional hot AC20 asphalt mix. The environmentally-friendly process was used to construct a new cycle path for Birmingham City Council as part of the £17m Bromford Flood Alleviation Scheme – a project Jackson and their supply chain partners are building in the Midlands for the Environment Agency.

Supply chain partners

The project took off when Jackson saw the cycle path as an opportunity to bring its supply chain together to deliver a truly innovative solution. Partners on the trial scheme included O.C.O Technology Ltd, who has developed a carbon negative aggregate made from waste material from the treatment of flue gases from Energy from Waste (EfW) plants. This was the first time it was used in a foamed asphalt application. The team from surfacing specialist Toppesfield mixed the O.C.O product with its own cold foamed bitumen asphalt that incorporates recycled aggregates that would normally go to landfill.

Excellence Award

In addition, an impressive 30 tonnes of CO2 was saved using ultra low-carbon Cemfree concrete to bed and surround the kerb stones alongside the path. The product was developed by DB Group and produced by Accumix Concrete. The Environment Agency recognised the project with a prestigious Flood & Coast Excellence Award. The success of this trial means Jackson can now with confidence supply low-carbon concrete and asphalt in future projects.

"The innovative use of carbon negative aggregate is a great step forward and could be transformational is applied to flood schemes more extensively in the future."

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